
Springtime in My Heart

It's taken time.  It's taken years.  It's taken heavy influence from my best friend.  It's taken a move to a new city to appreciate it, but yes, I very much appreciate it.

Spring, I get why I took so long to warm up to you.  I didn't want the cold to end.  It made me anxious to wear less clothes, a fear that has definitely passed.  I liked snuggling and being lazy and sleeping in the cold and dark.  I still do, but I like other things more, like biking and hiking and running and walking and flowers and sweating and sunshine and patios.

Winter is lovely, but I am so glad it is passing.  I know I'm supposed to be present every day, and it sounds like I'm depending on the time of the year to find new sources of happiness and new resolutions, but trust me, I am here.  I am just ready for "spring" and growth and bloom even if I am almost two months early.  I reluctantly endured the past few months of my life, but I say goodbye with a smile and with gratitude.  Who knew I could be so dynamic?  Who knew this time of my life would be teeming with many teaching moments?  I guess we all knew because that's what life is.

I met a love October of last year, and 2013 was a messy one for sure.  Halloween wasn't the same.  I spent Thanksgiving Day alone with a chihuahua.  I couldn't listen to Christmas music.  I was pretty bummed this winter, and since living in Tucson the past few years has made Springtime lovely for me, I was legitimately stoked for warmer days.  I remember making meals with Karyn and dining on the back patio at our house near the University.  We stayed on the patio hours past dinner to drink beer with Alex.  She and Simon would play guitar.  Karyn would hula hoop or paint her nails.  I'd rollerskate or take pictures.  Nostalgia.  Maybe that's what makes me love Spring so much.  There's a warmer light to look back on those memories with.

I know I've got 48 more days to go, but you're alive and well, and you're here now in my heart, Spring.

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